Free PRO-Q platform for public administrations and companies

April 7, 2020

Venicecom offers free of charge to Italian Public Administrations and Private Companies the PRO-Q Portal to support them in bidding within the Digital Solidarityinitiatives.

The President of Unioncamere Veneto, Mauro Pozza, applauds Venicecom’s initiative “this is an important action in favor of businesses and public administrations to try to give concrete and operational support in an extremely complex and articulated area such as that of tenders. Procedures and bureaucratic fetters in fact represent a brake for companies even in a normal situation and they are even more so in an abnormal context such as the one we are experiencing, so welcome the Venicecom platform. It is an initiative that confirms that Veneto has all the right cards to get back on track and become the locomotive of the Northeast again. Venicecom’s together with many other experiences put into the field in these days confirm how the fabric of our businesses is teaming up to emerge from the difficult phase we are going through.”

“We are aware,” explains Pierluigi Aluisio, President of Venicecom, “that one of the great risks is the blocking of supplies usually guaranteed by tenders. So we wanted to give the community an immediate, useful, free tool to cope with the risk of blocked tenders with particular reference to those in the health sector.”

“The serious health emergency that is sweeping our country,” continues Pierluigi Aluisio, “has put in crisis and is blocking the fulfillment of traditional tendering and procurement procedures, even of essential goods and services, for both Public Contracting Stations and Purchasing Offices of Private Companies. The only way to manage the bidding and procurement processes remotely are the eProcurement solutions that are already widespread in the market, but which need support and assistance for correct and safe use. The company has, therefore, decided to make its expertise and Public and Private eProcurement specialists available to both public and private users for the conduct of urgent national and international tenders for the purchase of Personal Protective Equipment and Safety, Sanitation Services and Individual Health Surveillance related to personal protection from Coronavirus infection.”

The PRO-Q platform is fully functional is ensures a unique, immediate and secure, but most importantly assisted system in Smart Working.