Kalmo DPI Planner chosen by Eni in Iraq

July 30, 2018

It’s all about us in ITIS Magazine, the digital magazine on Safety, Design, Industry 4.0 from lCT specialists: this time the protagonist is kalmo, the software used by Eni to manage workplace safety in the Zubair field in Iraq.

ITIS Magazine talks about our now long-standing partnership with Eni in an article published online a few days ago: “Security under control in Eni fields with Venicecom” tells why the Italian oil company chose to entrust Venicecom with the management of security within this important oil field, and what were the benefits of the solution-fully customized-that we developed.

The software that Eni has been using since 2012 is kalmo, a Venicecom-branded solution that consists of several modules for safety management, management of employee training, health surveillance visits, audit and toxicological visits.

Eni needed to have total control over whether each worker was assigned the correct Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Thanks to kalmo DPI Planner Eni telematized the assignment of protective equipment and was also able to distinguish between those assigned to local staff and those assigned to employees with different nationalities. Eni has achieved great time savings in particular through the delegation feature, to transfer roles and permissions from one user to another, and massive requests to assign IPR to groups of employees based on their assigned roles. Integration with SAP then allowed Eni to continue to manage IPR delivery with its own management system.

La gestione con kalmo DPI Planner ha permesso anche di analizzare nel tempo le richieste in eccesso e rilevare eventuali consumi anomali. To this day, the software is used by about 1,000 users and manages more than 3,000 IPR holders working in the Iraqi field.

To contact us and get more write us at marketing@venicecom.it or call us at +390412525811