Where does a successful digital transition journey begin? Our recommendations for PA

July 1, 2022
Accelerating the digitization of PA processes means making services increasingly simple and innovative, as citizens demand. Here are our recommendations…


That the transition to digital PA is necessary is now a well-established concept. Being a digitally evolved PA mainly means improving the quality of services in terms of fruition and use, security, ensuring transparency to different stakeholders (citizens, companies).

Today it is important to accelerate this the path of digital transformation and thus increase the range of services accessible in a dematerialized version, ensuring their quality and reliability.

One of the latest surveys on the digital maturity of Italy’s capitals conducted by FPA and presented at Forum PA 2022, highlights the following relevant data:

  • out of 110 capital municipalities, only 34 are at a good level of digital maturity;
  • the number of online services offered by municipalities ranges from 10 to 15, out of the total 20 monitored;
  • only 13 capital municipalities among the 110 in the survey have adopted the standard site and digital services model

Qui la l’indagine completa: https://www.forumpa.it/pa-digitale/indagine-sulla-maturita-digitale-dei-comuni-capoluogo-nel-2022-sono-41-le-citta-con-un-buon-livello-di-maturita-25-in-piu-rispetto-al-2021/

It is on the basis of these needs of the PA that Venicecom, which has been at the side of many central and local governments for years, has decided to offer itself as a partner in the path that a public administration must take to achieve the goals of the Three-Year Plan for Information Technology in Public Administration.



“The best approach to accelerate the transition to digital and ensure the achievement of goals,” explains Dr. Alessandra Caneva, Senior Consultant Venicecom, “is to start first with the Digital Maturity Survey. It describes the state of the art and indicates the areas on which to act to increase the digitization of processes, ensure efficiency and security in the management of IT documents, optimize the use of available information systems, and achieve full compliance with the CAD (Digital Administration Code).”

The institutions that achieve the best, fastest and most lasting results are those that focus on defining their strategies before the technological aspects.

Let’s see what questions need to be asked for a PA to successfully undertake its digital transformation strategy:

  1. What is the perception of employees and citizens with respect to the digital journey undertaken by the Administration?
  2. What skills need to be developed to ensure the achievement of goals?
  3. What is the degree of mastery and effective use of available digital tools?
  4. What are the areas of noncompliance with CAD guidance and AgID Guidelines?

Precisely because of the experience gained in digitization projects dedicated to PA, Venicecom is aware of how important it is to propose a transversal approach in which know-how, consulting, technologically advanced and mutually interoperable software, concur in improving document management and all relevant processes.

“The analysis of digital maturity is followed by the definition of a Transformation Plan,” concludes Dr. Caneva, “which, based on the ‘snapshot’ of how the Administration operates, enables the definition of a coherent digital transformation strategy that enhances potential synergies between organizational and technological aspects. The involvement of the Staff in the digital maturity detection phase promotes the collaboration of everyone in the execution of actions and facilitates overcoming resistance to change.”

As always, it is the point of view one adopts that makes the difference. For Venicecom, meeting the challenges of digital transformation means seizing opportunities!

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